Manasquan Communities

Getting to know Manasquan

Manasquan is a barrier island town in New Jersey located 65 miles south of New York City. There are approximately 6,000 residents but this number will grow significantly during the warmer months.

There are many reasons why the tourists flock to the town. The Manasquan Inlet to the south attracts surfers with waves that are corralled and enlarged by the jetty that exists there. There is a downtown area with many small businesses including the iconic Algonquin Arts Theater which offers plays and movies year-round. The beaches are tranquil and the boardwalk has access to many restaurants allowing people the opportunity to sample different cuisines.

Manasquan is the definition of a Jersey Shore town. Take the Garden State Parkway to Exit 98 and it's an easy 15 minutes from there.

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