Bay Head Communities

Getting to know Bay Head

Bay Head is located approximately 70 miles south of New York City, 65 miles east of Philadelphia and 60 miles north of Atlantic City. There are 1300 permanent residents and scores of visitors, especially in the summer. There is one grade school, Bay Head Elementary School, which is considered one of the very best in the state.

The town is surrounded on the west by Barnegat Bay which sees boating, kayaking, paddle boarding, waterskiing and fishing. Just a bit to the the east is the Atlantic Ocean and a mile and a half of beautiful beaches which require badges for entry. There are specialty stores galore along with several fine restaurants and inns to stay and enjoy meals on the porch.

Bay Head is a very special and elegant place where people have been living and visiting for generations. Come park your car and bicycle wherever you need to go. Enjoy magnificent sunsets at the end of a relaxing day with friends and family/

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